Tuesday, July 24, 2007


How do you deal with being jobless? my husband is going through that now and is beside himself. He has NEVER been unemployed except for 1 month during his transition to the states. He's so afraid he won't find anything and believe me, so am I. But we have to have faith! He and I are both 'Just in time' people. We have always had money come our way 'Just in time!' But, it would be nice to not have that just in time but instead have it all the time. I always see articles that say everyone can save money. It isn't true. We aren't big spenders and don't do or buy anything lavish. We started saving change in our big water jug only wishing to fill it up. But times got hard and we had to use it. So here we are again. One of us is unemployed and the other, (me) is working as a temp. The temp job will be over end of August so I am looking too. The very best option would be for me to work from home part-time. But I am not sure what to do at home. I don't have any special talents.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I am back!

Well, I have decided to do more here and less on myspace. I think it's time to cut most ties with it. So first thing I will do is upload some pics! Enjoy!

Here is Marcela after eating a HUGE plate of King crab!
My Zoey Boey!

Lexi LOVES to swim!!!

She is starting to get into trouble!

We are all doing pretty good. Still trying to get job situations straight. Seems like it goes on forever! We will figure it out.
The girls are doing well! They are having a fun summer! Lexi is too! She is talking very well! Basically if you tell her to say something, she will and she says it well. She remembers things easily. Her daddy has taught her to kick a soccer ball (we got her a size 1) and she knows how to throw her hands up and yell, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAL!" It's so cute! Lately she has been getting my undies from the clean laundry and wearing them on her head. I would post a picture but, they are my undies. I remembered that I used to wear anything I could on my head at her age, including undies, but mostly pants. Funny how they take after you in such funny ways!